Fee Concession

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  • Half fee concession may be granted on request to deserving students of the college.
  • If two or more sisters are studying in the college, the younger ones will be granted half fee concession on submission of necessary proof of her claim provided no other financial benefit is enjoyed by her.
  • The Student Mutual Help Fund is established for grant of stipends to the deserving students, the amount of which is fixed by the Principal.
  • All concessions/ stipends will be tenable for one year, and shall be renewed for the second year provided the attendance, academic performance and conduct of the student continues to be satisfactory.
  • Application for fee concession/stipends should be made on the prescribed form at the beginning of the academic session. The form should be countersigned by the parent/ guardian and duly verified by his/ her employer.


The fee will be determined by the ministry of education.